Saturday, 7 December 2013


''It always seems impossible until it's done."
-Nelson Mandela-

Passed away peacefully on 5th December 2013, Nelson Mandela is one of my favorite role models in life. His legacy of fighting oppression and gaining an equal ground for all inspired me. To begin with, this blog was created as a holiday project of mine to summarize and go in depth into the many topics of conventional economics in layman terms. The reason I touched on Mandela is because I too adore the concept of an egalitarian society. Economics, on the other hand have been a great passion since I'm 16. Thus, in the future I wish to pursue a degree in economics as a stepping stone, somewhat hoping to make a difference in this highly capitalist society. I have recently completed my A-level studies and decided that by making this blog I will be able to enhance my knowledge on economics as well as a great way to pass my 10-months' holiday till the next university intake in Sept 2014. Do take note that I am not the best writer and neither do I have a great proficiency in English. I have yet to step foot into any university but I will try my best to give the best of information I could as I am sure there are a lot more for me to learn. If there's any mistakes, errors, additional info etc. , feel free to comment. The posts will be mainly a summary of economic terms, ideas and occasionally some examples from Malaysian economy.

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